ChiroThin® Program Knowledge Base

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment

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How Does Homeopathy work?

Homeopathy is based on a process that is called a multi-dilution and succination. Basically, they start with the straight raw products and dilute them.  After being diluted, they go through a process that amplifies the energy signature of the molecule.  This process is repeated over and over until reaching the final dilution.  Each time they dilute, they amplify. This is only speaking of our product, but after the dilution and succination process, the amount of ChiroThin is about 1 ounce of ChiroThin in a 20,000-gallon swimming pool.  


Side effects:  There are very few side effects of homeopathic ChiroThin.  

  • Should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.  
  • Should not be taken by a person with active cancer.
  • Should not be taken by someone who has recently (last 3-4 weeks) experienced acute gallbladder problems.  They may need to modify loading days due to fat intake.
  • Why Not 3 Meals per Day?  This concept is based on the documented benefits associated with micro-fasting.  When micro-fasting, the hypothalamus is activated, and the person is more apt to tap into the brown fat for energy.  

    Does someone take more or less product with more or less weight to lose?  No, the dosage remains the same.

    Is It Wrong to Do ChiroThin for Less Than 42 Days?  No, but a patient needs 21 days on the program (minimally) to reset set points.

    Why loading days?  The purpose of the loading days is to cause your body to increase its metabolism to process the significantly higher caloric and fat intake while the ChiroThin takes effect in your body. Homeopathic ChiroThin will take 24-36 hours to kick in. When the patient switches to the losing phase the ChiroThin nutritional support formula will help keep the metabolism elevated.  

    Why does loading work and why is grazing-style consumption important? Loading is important and works because of dietary thermogenesis and the dietary thermic effect.  The dietary thermic effect accounts for 10-15% of daily caloric expenditure. Loading increases metabolism (burns more calories) to process/digest the increased food intake. The ingestion of nutrients causes an obligatory increase in heat production by the body due to the energy requirements (metabolic costs) of digestion, absorption, metabolism, etc. Additionally, we encourage loading to be performed with the use of higher consumption of high-fat protein when clinically appropriate. This is because the thermogenic requirements needed for protein digestion are higher than that of carbohydrates. The first rise in metabolic rate that occurs in response to the presence of food is called the cephalic phase and the second is called the postprandial phase. The postprandial phase may last up to 6 hours and is exactly why we want the patient to "graze" during the loading phase as it helps keep the increase sustained and helps prevent the "peaks and valleys" that are experienced when a person eats 1-3 times per day.  Additionally, the number of meals consumed each day also affects dietary thermogenesis since an increase in the number of meals consumed per day causes an increase in the total amount of heat produced each day. We should also not forget Adaptive Thermogenesis which is an additional energy expenditure that is not included in dietary thermogenesis. Adaptive thermogenesis is manifested primarily as an increase in BMR due to environmental stresses, one of which is an alteration in traditional food intake. Additionally, think of this as an added "bonus" for some people... Overconsumption affects thermogenesis. When energy intake (calories) increases above normal levels needed for dietary thermogenesis and regulation of body temperature. The increase in energy loss is a result of less efficient use of food calories and is thought to represent the body's tendency to protect the status quo of energy balance during periods of overconsumption. 

    High-calorie grazing all day is imperative because a person who only consumes 3 meals per day will experience peaks and valleys in their metabolism. Grazing prevents these peaks and valleys and as the ChiroThin nutritional support formula may take effect at different times for each patient, it is best for it to take effect at a peak, not during a valley. 

    What window of time should a person eat? During the losing phase, the patient should consume all food and calories within a 5–6-hour window of time. 

    Can free foods be consumed as snacks between meals?  No. There is no snacking between meals, whether the foods consumed are free or not.

    What About Exercise?  The ONLY permitted exercise while in the losing phase of ChiroThin is: 1) ChiroBurst Bend which is included at no cost for all ChiroThin Weight Loss Program participants 2) light yoga or 3) light walking for 20 minutes per day.  

    My patient said that they are still going to exercise. What should I do?  Strongly encourage the patient to give you 6-weeks with ONLY approved exercise.  If they insist on doing their regular routine, then there are instructions in the instruction book on how to modify their food consumption. BE AWARE... A person who performs moderate to aggressive exercise during the losing phase will dramatically reduce their weight loss and the likelihood of exercise-induced injury skyrockets.  If your patient works out in the evening, they will add the proportional amount of protein to calories burned into their food consumption the day before at both lunch and dinner. If the patient works out in the morning or afternoon, they will add the proportional amount of protein to calories burned into their food consumption the meal before and after exercising.   

    What is the lowest BMI that a person should have to do ChiroThin? The ChiroThin program should only be offered to individuals with a BMI greater than 24 and who do not have any other contraindications to the program.

    What are the indicators that the formula is working and not just changes in diet making things easier for them?  If changes in diet were the effective factor, then everyone who cleaned their diet would be fine.  Clearly, this is not the case.  The ingredients do what they do.  It is not a matter of opinion.  The HPA is abnormal in most Americans and this is the cause of many health problems.  It has been researched and is not open for discussion. 

    How long do patients take this formula before they agree it is working?  They will see results in as little as 4 days.  Most patients will start feeling higher energy, clearer thought, better sleep, fewer symptoms in 7-9 days.  

    Maintenance Phase:  Once a person has completed maintenance, they should continue to eat a cleaner diet.  Since the setpoints have been changed, the typical person will not gain the weight back very easily unless they return to poor dietary habits.  

    Maintenance Expectations? The person’s weight will swing dramatically for the first few days.  This is of no concern.  As time goes by, the swings will minimize.  We know the new setpoints for BMR, and BMI are established when the person’s weight is stabilized within 0.5 pounds of itself for 5-7 consecutive days.  This is when a person is good to start a 2nd round if needed.  Globally, the average person loses an additional 2-4 pounds within the 3-5 weeks it takes for the bodyweight to stabilize.

    The patient gets full and can’t eat all of the maintenance protocol portions. What should I say? The patient’s appetite will increase when the nutritional support formula is discontinued and exercise starts or resumes.  The patient should listen to their body and eat when hungry but not “overeat” just to fulfill the “numbers”. Just like a patient needs to learn how to make good food choices, they also need to learn when to stop eating.  When the patient’s weight stabilizes, they can add in healthy fats which will add to the maintenance caloric intake.

    Is it okay for a person to add healthy fats during maintenance? Yes, but it is not required. During the maintenance phase, patients will continue to eat off the Approved Foods list. If a patient would like to start adding in healthy fats, we suggest they do it gradually. They can begin using small amounts of oils for cooking, or use small amounts of oil in a homemade salad dressing a couple of times a week. Another example of a healthy fat they could introduce would be avocado. 

    What is the shelf life of ChiroThin? The expiration date is listed on each bottle.  Please do not use it after the expiration date on the label.

    Hypoglycemia: If a patient experiences issues of hypoglycemia, typically in the morning and within the first few days of the losing phase.  If they continue to report the symptoms associated with hypoglycemia have them add ½ apple and one piece of Melba toast for breakfast.  This is in addition to the fruit and bread that is consumed during lunch and dinner.  If the hypoglycemia symptoms are in the afternoon or evening, then the person would eat the ½ apple and Melba toast at that time. If your patient is a medicated diabetic, they may need to consult with their medical doctor to have their medication levels adjusted.

    Is ChiroThin a Keto programChiroThin is not a keto program

    Hunger issues:  A person should not be hungry or have low energy while on ChiroThin if they are following the eating program, taking the drops consistently, and drinking enough water (100-120 oz per day). A person who is “hungry” is most likely not in starvation mode. One of the things we see is a person will have a growling stomach which is usually associated with feeling hungry but when ChiroThin clients step back and look at it their stomach is growling but not actually having hunger. If the patient is following the program as instructed, drinking the recommended amount of water, is 5 or more days into the losing phase, and still reports hunger, then we recommend increasing the drop dosage to 6 drops 3 times per day.  This will usually handle the symptoms within 2 days.  If still hungry and low energy after 2 days at 6 drops 3 times per day, they can increase to 7 drops.

    Another option is to have the patient increase the volume of food they are consuming by using “Free” vegetables at mealtime.  In effect, eat a meal but make a salad (not spinach) with onion, cucumber, celery, peppers, and no-calorie dressing like the Walden Farms dressings or the vinaigrette in the recipe book.

    For a list of free vegetables, please see the ChiroThin Instruction book or the ChiroThin Food & Weight Journal

    Craving Sweets:  For sweet cravings, recommend clear choice water from Wal-Mart. The tropical fruit flavor is super sweet. Can also put in Popsicle mold and freeze.

    Craving Salt:  We recommend 3 3" celery sticks, dampen and sprinkle with salt.

    Why does ChiroThin allow so much freedom compared to other programs?  We have found that much of the information out there is ritualistic and really has no other purpose than to make the person feel that they are going through these steps and therefore the program must really work.  This is simply not the case.  When we developed our system, we wanted to make it effective, yet easy to follow.  For example, there are some programs that say you must shake the bottle at intervals of 7 before taking the drops.  Not true, just shake it.

    Drops:  When delivering the drops under the tongue it is important to keep the dropper vertical. If the dropper is tilted, it will result in a larger drop. This is due to a wicking effect up the glass which changes the surface area/tension of the liquid. 

    Patient Ran Out of Drops:  The bottles we use contain 60ml of the ChiroThin formula. This is enough product to last for up to 11 drops administered 3x per day. Therefore, if your patient runs out of drops early, we have found that they are often sharing drops with a family member, especially if it is during weeks 3 or 4 of the losing phase.  

    My patient is doing a 21-day cycle.  When should they stop taking the drops? The patient should stop taking the ChiroThin nutritional support formulation on day 18 and continue to follow the ChiroThin losing phase eating guidelines for days 19, 20, and 21.  On day 22, the patient should transition to the maintenance phase eating guidelines.

    Does AGGR have caffeine? There are minimal amounts of naturally occurring caffeine because of the ingredients.  That said, it is so minimal that it is not required to be listed on the ingredients label and not enough to make patients jittery, etc.  Also, please remember that many patients will read “caffeic acid” and think that that is caffeine or a closely related stimulant.  It is NOT.  Caffeic acid is an antioxidant.


    Is it common to lose weight from different areas week to week or to lose little weight but have good inch loss?  This is all very typical.  All people will lose fat from different areas at different rates.

    Cheating:  If a person goes off-program for an entire day the next day, they need to do straight protein. If they are bad for 2+ days, they do straight protein for 2 days.

    What If A Person Blows It and Needs to Start Over?  If someone “falls off the wagon” and needs to start over, is it best to start completely over from the loading days? They need to start completely over as if they never did it before, including the loading.  They must be off the drops for 10 days before restarting the process.

    What about clients who only want/need to lose 10-15lbs? When the weight loss client reaches their goal weight, they move directly into the maintenance phase, stop taking drops and wrap ChiroThin in a brown paper bag and refrigerate.

    What if a patient has a BMI around 25 but still feels they want to lose another 10-15 lbs.? They will lose weight, but we need to ensure that the ending body weight still falls within healthy BMI for the doctor’s liability. The person will lose a little more slowly.

    Plateau - Weight loss stuck for a few days:  A plateau or “stall” is when the person does not lose any weight (0.0 pounds) for 72 consecutive hours. If this occurs, instruct the patient to do a “protein-only” day where the patient consumes ONLY 6 ounces of any lean protein for lunch and 6-ounce lean protein for dinner. 

    There are several possible causes of a plateau or stall while on ChiroThin.  They are: 1) the patient is not following the program EXACTLY as in the ChiroThin Instruction Book, 2) they are not drinking enough water, 3) they are a poor digestor and as a result are being pushed into starvation, 4) the patient is not varying the foods they eat, 5) they are eating apples as the fruit component to frequently.  If the patient is following the program, drinking enough water, and varying their food types and still plateau or stall, place them on CN-Digestion.

    If a person has issues with constipation prior to ChiroThin, you should start them on a sugar-free fiber, we recommend that the patient be placed on NatureEase and CN-Flush.

    General guidelines: 

      - Make sure they are drinking 100-120 ounces of water per day.

      - If a woman is on her menstrual cycle do not do anything until the menstrual cycle is finished.

    Slow Stall Protocol – Protein Day

    A “protein day” is where the patient will ONLY consume 6 ounces of protein at lunch and then 6 ounces of a different protein source at dinner. They do not consume ANY vegetables, fruit, or bread.  Of course, they will continue to drink 100-120 ounces of water daily.

    If after "protein day 1" they still did not lose weight, they would do a 2nd protein day following the protocol above. 

    If, for some reason, they still did not lose (less than 5% of the time), you will have them go back to the regular program for 1 day, and if still didn't lose, you would have them do an "Apple Day".  This is where they will eat nothing other than 6 apples between noon and 6 pm.

    If the above does not work, they are cheating. I know that seems harsh, but it is what it is.

    Please watch this video if you would like more information...

    Weight loss stalling during the menstrual cycle:  This is experienced in some female patients and is related to both hormone changes and water retention. The patient is still losing fat, but it is being offset by water retention.  Have patients continue to follow the program as instructed and their weight loss will resume. 

    Why did my patient’s lipid profile look bad after finishing the losing phase? This is somewhat common as rapid weight loss can temporarily skew the lipid profile in a negative direction. This will self-correct.  It is recommended that the patient not have post-losing phase blood work for 8 weeks after they have completed the losing phase.

    Will my patient lose a lot of muscle mass during the losing phase? If the participant is following the losing phase protocol as instructed, there should be minimal to no loss of muscle mass. If the participant is following the protocols and is losing muscle mass, then they are likely a poor protein digester and should be placed on CN Digestion to aid in their ability to digest, absorb, and utilize the protein that they are consuming.


    Do All Foods (protein, vegetables, fruit) Need to Be Consumed At Each Meal?  Yes!  

    Patient Does Not Eat Vegetables:   Vegetables MUST be consumed!  Vegetables can be mixed into a salad or incorporated into the meal instead of eating separately.  

    Can Multiple Vegetables Be Mixed to Create 4 oz. combined total?  Yes, you can mix vegetables like 2 oz. broccoli and 2 oz. cauliflower.

    Is There A Vegetarian Plan?  Yes.  It is detailed in the instruction book.

    vegetarians who consume milk and other dairy products can use ½ cup of nonfat cottage cheese or non-fat plain yogurt without sugar. Stevia drops can be used as a sweetener. The vegetarians cannot use customary vegetable protein sources such as rice, wheat etc. because of their starch content. Instead, they can use soy products like soymilk, soybean etc., which are rich protein sources.  They can incorporate non-flavored pea protein powder burgers with quinoa and something to bind it. Tofutti sour cream can serve as a good binder, with olive oil and seasoning mix without sugar. Otherwise, the vegetarians can use olive oil, (or coconut oil), and liquid smoke, seasoning, and organic salsa. Miracle noodles/ magic noodles can be another alternative.

    There are some 'mostly' vegetarians who occasionally eat seafood. They can substitute shrimp, lobster, prawns, crawfish or crab meat for the chicken or beef. Because they do not eat the animal products called for in the original diet, strict vegetarians can expect their weight loss to be about half of that of the meat-eaters who follow this diet.

    What Foods Are OK to Eat?  See “Approved Foods List” in the instruction manual and the “tracking journal”.  If it is not on the list, it is not allowed! Anything 0 calories is automatically approved.

    Sucralose or Dextrose?  Both are ok, but it is recommended to avoid if possible as they are both shown to slow weight loss.

    Diet Soda?  Diet soda is fine, just do not drink 6 a day as the sodium content is high and you will retain extra fluid, thereby decreasing weight loss.  We recommend diet soda that contains stevia; however, other artificial sweeteners are OK.

    Salad Dressings?  There are several salad dressing recipes in the recipe book.  The person can also buy no-calorie salad dressing at the store.  Several brands are Three Zeros, Walden Farms, and Hendricks.  Just make sure that they buy the “Zero Calorie” versions.  

    Mayonnaise?  Yes, but it must be zero calories.  We recommend the Walden Farms brand. 

    Yellow mustard?  See “Approved Foods List” in the instruction manual and the “tracking journal”.  If it is not on the list, it is not allowed!

    Kombucha?  See “Approved Foods List” in the instruction manual and the “tracking journal”.  If it is not on the list, it is not allowed!

    Eggs?  Eggs are not approved.  However, egg whites and egg white substitutes are approved.  

    Will smoking fish on the approved foods list have any effect?  Hot smoked fish is approved as it renders the fat out.  Cold smoked fish is not approved as the fat is not rendered out. 

    Snapper?  See “Approved Foods List” in the instruction manual and the “tracking journal”.  

    Sugar?  Sugar is not approved. 

    Free Vegetables: Free vegetables are listed in the approved foods list and can be consumed ONLY with meals in reasonable quantities. If a person is experiencing hunger and feels like they need more food, they are most likely not following the program as instructed and are either not eating all of the foods or not drinking enough water.

    Pam, Spray Butter, or Olive Oil in a misto?  Anything 0 calories is automatically approved.

    How Does ChiroNutraceutical Determine What An Approved Food Is? All foods are run through a matrix.  To disclose the methodology would be providing our proprietary information.  It is not about sugar content or calories alone.

    Can a serving of meat be replaced with a serving of vegan protein powder?  The use of protein powder is reserved for vegetarians and vegans ONLY! Any protein powder that contains 0 carbohydrates, such as certain pea protein powders, are approved.  For most, the patient will need to do a double serving to get the correct caloric intake.  A patient needs 160-200 calories of protein at each meal minimally.  Please note we have observed a slight reduction in weight loss in individuals who use protein powders while in the ChiroThin losing phase.   

    Why no healthy fats like nuts, olive, or avocado oilSee “Approved Foods List” in the instruction manual and the “tracking journal”.  If it is not on the list, it is not allowed! These are not allowed because the body will metabolize the consumed oils instead of the abnormal fat deposits in the body.  The result is that the patient will lose less weight.

    My patient asked me if a particular lunch meat is allowed?  All protein, including lunch meat, must be at least 93% lean.  This means that it must be at least 93% protein.  To determine if  a protein is at least 93% lean, perform the following calculation:

    Step 1: Protein / (Total Fat + Total Carbohydrates + Protein) = "Y"

     Step 2: "Y" x 100 = % Protein (Must be equal to or more than 93 to be approved!)


    ChiroNutraceutical supplements are specifically formulated to be used with the ChiroThin Weight Loss program.

    Vitamin E? Powder-based Vitamin E is approved. 

    Vitamin D? Powder-based Vitamin D is approved.

    Omega 3 oils? Powder-based Omega 3 supplements are approved.

    DHA & EPA vitamins? Powder-based DHA and EPA supplements are approved.

    Olive leaf extract in vitamins?  Yes, if not oil-based.

    Collagen supplements? 0 calorie collagen supplements are approved.


    Can A Patient Use Sunblock? Patients can use oil-free sunblock.

    Baby oil? Approved 

    Coconut oil-based lotions? Not approved

    Chapped lip products? Carmex is approved.

    What type of makeup can be used? Oil-free products are approved.


    Potential Medication Adjustments that Might Be Necessary While on ChiroThin:  Medication adjustments should be deferred to their MD.  Tell patients they may need to have dosages changed as they lose weight.

    Side effects? There are no known side effects of homeopathic ChiroThin formula.  

  • Should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.  
  • Should not be taken by a person with active cancer. 
  • Should not be taken by someone who has recently (last 3-4 weeks) experienced acute gallbladder problems.  They may need to modify loading days due to fat intake. 
  • Can someone who has had lap band surgery or gastric bypass do the ChiroThin program?  Yes

    My patient had lap band surgery or gastric bypass and can’t eat all of the food at mealtime.  What should I recommend? Recommend that they eat the food in cycles… start with 4 oz. of protein. An hour later have them eat 4 oz. of fruit, and 30 minutes after that have them eat 4 oz. of approved vegetables. If your patient cannot eat 4oz of food at a time, have them eat the most oz they can/are allowed to at a time. 

    Birth Control Pills?   No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Colostrum? Not approved.

    Levoxyl?  No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Nasonex?  No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Hydrocodone?   No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Synthroid? No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Beta Blockers?  No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results. Find out what percent of cardiac compromise the patient has.  If greater than 50%, we do not recommend the ChiroThin program.

    Will anti-anxiety medication slow weight loss?  Some patients that have been taking SSRI’s or SSNI’s consistently for 5 or more years may experience a slight reduction in program results.

    Phentermine?  A patient who is taking this for fatigue issues may be able to wind up reducing the intake as ChiroThin functions as a mild adrenal whip and restorer.

    Fertility Drugs?  The patient may experience a slight reduction in program results. If the patient gets pregnant, they should immediately stop the program. 

    Bio-identical progesterone? Some patients on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may experience a slower weight loss but will still experience good inch loss.

    Prozac? No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Tums? Not approved. They contain sugar.

    Interferon? No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Copaxone? No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Wellbutrin? No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Blood Pressure Medication? No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results. Patients may need to consult their physician for dosage adjustment as they lose weight.

    Cholesterol Medications? No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results. Patients may need to consult their physician for dosage adjustment as they lose weight.

    Diabetes Medications? No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results. Patients may need to consult their physician for dosage adjustment as they lose weight.

    Coumadin & Blood Thinners? No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results. Patients on blood thinners should limit or avoid foods high in Vitamin K.

    My patient takes Wegovy. How long should they be off of it before they start ChiroThin? It is our understanding that Wegovy takes 5-7 weeks to be cleared from a person’s system once they stop taking it.  That said, it is recommended that once the patient stops taking Wegovy, they wait for a period of 8 weeks before starting ChiroThin.


    Darkening Teeth:  Per a dentist… the cause is most likely plaque or tartar that was already there, and the formula may have darkened it a bit. Use whitening toothpaste and/or tooth whitening system.

    Diarrhea:  Have patients begin Chironutraceutical’s Nature Ease.  Comes from psyllium seed, not just husks.

    Tongue pain where patient puts drops, which subsides after an hour or so of application: Pain under or on the tongue is related to the patient either having a past history of Herpes Simplex 1 (fever blisters) or a sensitivity to the citric acid in the formula.  If the patient has a history of fever blisters have them take an additional L-lysine supplement.   

    Hives/Rash:  Patients with a rash or hives without nausea is most likely due to detoxing, parasites, or yeast. Have the patient do a cycle of Clean by ChiroNutraceutical.  A cycle is 1 bottle (10 days) followed by 2 weeks off, followed by another bottle (10 days).  The patient should also be on Complete Probiotic and make sure they are drinking enough water.

    Acne Breakout:  Absolutely common as the toxins are being released from the fat cells.

    Night Cramping:  Have the patient start taking Electrolyte Essentials by ChiroNutraceutical. 

    Hair Loss:  Protein deficiency can cause hair loss. The good news is it comes back. A small percentage of women could experience mild hair loss if they experienced it during pregnancy. Patients experiencing hair loss while on ChiroThin should up their protein consumption to 5 oz. 2 times per day.

    Hypoglycemia/Low Energy:  The only change in protocol is to have the patient eat ½ an apple and a piece of melba toast in the morning to help control blood sugar.  

    Fatigue:  Usually related to low blood sugar or low electrolyte levels.  Have the patient start taking Electrolyte Essentials by ChiroNutraceutical. Make sure the patient is drinking enough water.  See hypoglycemia section.

    Insomnia:  Very rare side effect. Usually, it will straighten out after 2 weeks.

    Light Headedness?  Due to either hypoglycemia or low electrolytes. Have the patient start taking Electrolyte Essentials by ChiroNutraceutical. If the patient is experiencing lightheadedness before their 1st meal, have them follow the guidelines in the hypoglycemia section. 

    Spotting or unexpected menstrual cycle? Occurs in approximately 10-15% of female patients.  Most often peri and pre-menopausal but not always.  It is related to estrogen being released from the fat cells that are being broken down and evacuated.

    Missed or late menstrual cycle? Stop the program immediately and take a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy test is positive, discontinue the program.  If the pregnancy test is negative, resume the program.

    Positive on a pregnancy test? Stop the program immediately!

    Headache?  Headaches while on ChiroThin are typically related to detoxification, breaking carbohydrate addiction, and/or low electrolyte levels.  Have the patient start taking Electrolyte Essentials by ChiroNutraceutical. A detox-type headache is common in 20% of patients on days 3-4.  

    Constipation? Giving a single solution that fit’s nearly all patients with bowel motility challenges is unrealistic. However, having put well over 200,000 patients through the ChiroThin protocol, we have determined that there are several common denominators amongst these individuals. Constipation while on ChiroThin is typically due to several possible reasons: 1) less food being consumed and less filler in the food.  This equals less waste produced. 2) low electrolyte levels.  3) the patient is not drinking enough water and 4) a significant change in the patient’s dietary habits.  Have the patient start taking Electrolyte Essentials and NatureEase while ensuring that they are consistent with their water intake (100-120 ounces per day), and check and adjust the lumbar spine if indicated. If the above does not help then place the patient on CN Flush.  Magnesium supplementation is also beneficial as well.

    If the patient has a pre-existing history of constipation, they should be placed on Electrolyte Essentials and NatureEase beginning on Day 3 (Day 1 of Losing)  

    My patient started menses while loading or within 3 days of loading.  What should I recommend? This is less than an ideal situation but we recommend giving the patient the choice of continuing or stopping for 10 days and then reloading.  If the patient chooses, tell them that if they do not lose at least 4 pounds in the first week of losing that they will need to stop for 10 days and start over.

    My patient says that they feel cold all the time or like they can’t get warm.  What should I tell them?  This is a somewhat common experience during the losing phase. Tell them that while they are on the 6-week protocol, there are several reasons they could be feeling like this and that there is no reason for them to be concerned.  Possible reasons include: 

    1. not burning as many calories therefore not as much heat being generated. 
    2. The liver may not be producing as much alcohol as fatty liver infiltration is decreasing. The liver often becomes less steatoic while on ChiroTHin protocol.  We have had multiple ChiroThin offices based on pre and post ChiroThin ultrasounds.


    Patient with Heart Problems?  Patients with severe cardio issues should only be placed on ChiroThin if they are strict to the program and in consultation with their medical professional.

    Diabetes? ChiroThin is safe for Type I and Type II diabetics. Make the following adjustments. Make sure the patient loads with predominantly high-fat protein. It is critical that Type-1 diabetics consume the bread component of the program.

    Patient with Ovarian and/or Breast Cancer?  Since the ChiroThin does not contain any hormones, it is safe for women with a HISTORY of breast cancer.  Active cancer is a contra-indication to ChiroThin.

    Patient with Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)?  No negative impact on ChiroThin’s results.

    Uterine Fibroids?  There is no contraindication with ChiroThin for female patients with uterine fibroids.  If she is not comfortable, have her check with her OBGYN for an opinion.  As you know the patient must be fully committed for this to get the best results.

    Is ChiroThin okay For Patients Who Have Had A Hysterectomy?  The ChiroThin program is fine for a patient who has had a full hysterectomy after being released by the surgeon.

    Does this have any long-term adverse effects on someone wanting to have children within the next couple of years?  No

    If a woman stops breastfeeding, is there a certain amount of time she should wait prior to starting the diet?  2-3 months.  Need to give time for hormones to balance out and normalize. 

    Effects on Menstruation?  Women may have their menstrual cycle start earlier, last slightly longer, and be slightly heavier while on ChiroThin. All have had their menses schedule change but resume the 28-day cycle.  For best weight loss success, do not start the ChiroThin program for a female who is within 5 days of starting her menses or until 3 days after the cycle has ended because of hormone fluctuations related to menses.

    Patient with Lyme Disease?  There are no adverse complications, but have the patient add 3 oz. of protein in the morning.

    Patient with Lupus?  No adverse complications.

    Post-surgery Release? As long as the surgeon has told them they are released, the program is okay.  This applies to any recent surgery.  Document the patient’s surgical release date in the patient’s file. 

    Patients with HIV (positive on meds) strain Liver or Kidneys? The HPA effect will still be of great benefit and the person will still lose a lot of weight.

    Patient with Crohn’s?  Crohn's is not a contraindication.  The losing phase of ChiroThin eliminates many of the foods that are known triggers.  However, foods that are high in fiber, raw vegetables, raw fruits, and red meat/pork can also be triggers for some Crohn’s sufferers.

    Patient with Insulin Resistance?  No contraindications. Have the patient follow the program.  

    Patient with Multiple Sclerosis?   No contraindications.

    Patient with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?  No contraindications and no changes in the program are required.

    Patient’s Pituitary Gland Removed due to a tumor? As long as a patient is not actively in treatment, ChiroThin won’t cause any issues. The patient may see a slower weight loss because of the pituitary’s role in the HPAT axis, and the patient should be told right away.

    Patient with Gallstones?  Gallbladder issues within 4-6 weeks is a contraindication.  If it has been more than 4 weeks since their last gallbladder attack, they are cleared to do the program.  However, it is HIGHLY recommended that the person be placed on CN-Gallbladder, CN-Digestion, and CN-Liver from the outset of the program.   If a person has a history of gallbladder issues or has had their gallbladder removed, then they would modify the loading phase by limiting foods that are high in fat. On rare occasions when a person is losing fat rapidly, the liver has a hard time processing and cholesterol can secrete cholesterol into the bile.  This will, on rare occasions, lead to the development of gallstones.   It is also a sign that the person has gallbladder stress.

    How long after gallbladder removal surgery should a person wait before starting the program?

    Technically the patient should be okay to start the program as soon as they are released from care by the surgeon.  That said, it is recommended that the patient wait no less than 6-8 weeks to allow for proper and full healing as well as any inflammation to subside.  Additionally, the patient should be on CN Gallbladder for the rest of their life.

    My patient has high blood-based B12 levels.  Can they do ChiroThin? They are OK to do the program as the ChiroThin formula is a homeopathic dose.

    Iodine/shellfish allergy?  There is no iodine and no shellfish used in the ChiroThin formula manufacturing.

    Kidney Problems? There should not be any issues as kidney problems are not a contraindication. If a person has very significant impaired kidney function such as requiring dialysis or is on the transplant list, the program is not recommended.

    My patient needs to take medication twice per day with food.  What should they do?  Have the patient take their first dose of the medication around 9:00AM with 2 ounces of approved fruit.  This will shorten the time of intermittent fasting but not by much.


    Is It OK for Children & Teenagers?  Yes, we have a specific adolescent program that is in the ChiroThin Licensee Google Drive folder.


    H.S.A/ F.S.A Program:    Most patients with HSAs and FSAs will be eligible for reimbursement.  Information on HAS/FSA reimbursement is in the ChiroThin Licensee Google Drive folder.

    Can discounts and referral fees be offered?  Yes. ChiroThin is considered a non-reimbursable service.  

    Price for Second Round?   For the second round, we recommend discounting the program by $150-$200.


    My patient is a recovering alcoholic and the supplement has alcohol in it.  What should they do?:  Answer provided by contract manufacturer… If the patient has concerns about the alcohol amount they can steam the alcohol out by boiling water and then adding the drops to a small cup with the hot water and the alcohol will evaporate.

    My patient spilled their bottle of ChiroThin.  What should I do? It is recommended that you charge the patient for a new bottle.  That said, it is also recommended that you tell the patient upfront on Day 1, that if they spill or lose their bottle that they will be charged for another bottle.  What you charge for the replacement bottle is at your discretion however most ChiroThin offices charge between $150 and $300, depending on what they charge for the program.

    Can a person who maintains a kosher lifestyle do ChiroThin? Having consulted with multiple rabbis, including an orthodox rabbi, a person who maintains a Kosher lifestyle can undergo the ChiroThin Weight Loss Program even though the product itself is not kosher-certified. Here is what we were told:

    An individual who maintains a kosher lifestyle can consume the ChiroThin nutritional support formula without violating the tenants because consumption of non-kosher items is permitted when it is for the purpose of treating a health condition that: 1) is life-threatening or 2) if left untreated, has a high probability of being directly related to the development or progression of a health condition that could potentially be life-threatening. Additionally, they all likened it to a person who "keeps kosher" taking medication for a health condition that is not kosher certified.

    Here is the permitted reason for consuming non-kosher products: If one is in danger of losing a limb, mobility, eyesight, suffering the loss of some other function vital to one's future survival, or may be in danger of a new health problem developing that may ultimately shorten one's life, the situation is considered to be life-threatening.

    ChiroThin vs. Diabetes Drugs For Weight Loss

    ALWAYS REFER TO IT AS A FAD because it is!

    Just like with diabetes drugs for weight loss, with ChiroThin there is no exercise needed, no gritty shakes, cardboard bars, or disgusting prepackaged foods needed.  The only difference is that with ChiroThin you will save time and money while reaching your weight loss goal.

    Ozempic, Wegovy, and Rybelsus are all semaglutide.

    Remind them that every other medical weight loss fad has been stopped or pulled off the market because of long-term side effects… remind them of Phen-Fen

    Approach it as we did with ChiroThin at the beginning when we were being asked about the difference between CT and Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, and Jenny Craig.

    All of the diabetes meds being used for weight loss use % of body weight lost as their north star so you should do the same.  You don’t hear about Metformin much because it is REALLY SLOW. 

    Time to lose 10% - 15% of body weight (based on a 200 lb. female and a 300 lb. male)

    • ChiroThin – 4.7 weeks to 6 weeks
    • Ozempic and Wegovy – 12 months
    • Mounjaro – 6-9 months
    • Metformin – 3 years

    How much faster is ChiroThin compared to the drugs listed below for a 200-pound person to lose 10% (20 lbs.) of their body weight?

    • ChiroThin is approximately 21x faster than Metformin (5 weeks vs 104 weeks)
    • ChiroThin is approximately 7.8x faster than Ozempic/Wegovy/Semaglutide (5 weeks vs 39 weeks)
    • ChiroThin is approximately 5.2x faster than Mounjaro (5 weeks vs 26 weeks)

    Fun Facts Based On A 200-Pound Individual


    1. Average weight loss of 12.3% in just 6 weeks (573 participant study)
    2. On average a 200-pound person will take 4.7 weeks… NOT MONTHS to lose 20 pounds


    1. Anticipated weight loss of 5% per year.
    2. A 200-pound person will take 2 years to lose 20 pounds.
    3. The average person will spend $480-$760 ($20-$30/mo) and 2 years to lose 20 pounds.

    Ozempic and Wegovy

    1. Anticipated weight loss of 10-15% per year
    2. A 200-pound person will take 9-12 months to lose 20 pounds.
    3. The average person will spend $1,350 - $2,400 ($150-$200/mo.) to lose 20 pounds.


    1. Anticipated weight loss of 15%-20% in 9-12 months
    2. A 200-pound person will take 6 months to lose 20 pounds.
    3. The average 200-pound person will spend approximately $5,400.00 ($900.00/mo.) and take 6 months to lose 20 pounds.

     ChiroThin vs Diabetes Drug Talking Points

    1. ChiroThin is the fastest, safest, and most long-term way to reach your weight loss goals when followed as instructed.
    2. With ChiroThin you lose 10-15% of body weight in 6 weeks instead of 6-12 months
    3. All-natural product designed specifically for weight loss instead of a drug that was not designed for weight loss.
    4. With ChiroThin you put drops under your tongue, and you don’t need to give yourself shots or injections as you do with the off-label diabetes drugs
    5. ChiroThin is formulated to help prevent muscle loss while diabetes drugs are not. It is also important to note that loss of lean muscle is a documented negative side effect of using diabetes drugs for weight loss.  This is critical because the more muscle a person has, the higher their BMR is.  Diabetes drugs for weight loss result in you being “under-muscled” and “over-fatted” which is a terrible combination that leads to rebound weight gain and higher metabolic age.
    6. ChiroThin has a guarantee called our “lose 20-pound promise”. With off-label diabetes drugs, there are no guarantees.
    7. With ChiroThin not only will you be saving time and money but you will be supporting a local business by working with a local doctor that you can meet with and trust.
    9. ChiroThin gives you the plan to keep the weight off long-term. Off-label diabetes drugs do not.  What do you think will happen when you stop taking the drugs?

    Some Semaglutide/Ozempic/Wegovy Side Effects

    Wegovy® may cause serious side effects, including:

    • Possible thyroid tumors, including cancer. Tell your healthcare provider if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. These may be symptoms of thyroid cancer. In studies with rodents, Wegovy® and medicines that work like Wegovy® caused thyroid tumors, including thyroid cancer. It is not known if Wegovy® will cause thyroid tumors or a type of thyroid cancer called medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in people.
    • Do not use Wegovy® if you or any of your family have ever had a type of thyroid cancer called medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) or if you have an endocrine system condition called Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN 2).

    Before using Wegovy®, tell your healthcare provider if you have any other medical conditions, including if you:

    • have or have had problems with your pancreas or kidneys.
    • have type 2 diabetes and a history of diabetic retinopathy.
    • have or have had depression, suicidal thoughts, or mental health issues.
    • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Wegovy® may harm your unborn baby. You should stop using Wegovy® 2 months before you plan to become pregnant.
    • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if Wegovy® passes into your breast milk.

    Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Wegovy® may affect the way some medicines work and some medicines may affect the way Wegovy® works. Tell your healthcare provider if you are taking other medicines to treat diabetes, including sulfonylureas or insulin. Wegovy® slows stomach emptying and can affect medicines that need to pass through the stomach quickly. 

     What are the possible side effects of Wegovy®?

    Wegovy® may cause serious side effects, including:

    • inflammation of your pancreas (pancreatitis). Stop using Wegovy® and call your healthcare provider right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area (abdomen) that will not go away, with or without vomiting. You may feel the pain from your abdomen to your back.
    • gallbladder problems. Wegovy® may cause gallbladder problems, including gallstones. Some gallstones may need surgery. Call your healthcare provider if you have symptoms, such as pain in your upper stomach (abdomen), fever, yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice), or clay-colored stools.
    • increased risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in patients with type 2 diabetes, especially those who also take medicines for type 2 diabetes such as sulfonylureas or insulin. This can be both a serious and common side effect. Talk to your healthcare provider about how to recognize and treat low blood sugar and check your blood sugar before you start and while you take Wegovy®. Signs and symptoms of low blood sugar may include dizziness or light-headedness, blurred vision, anxiety, irritability or mood changes, sweating, slurred speech, hunger, confusion or drowsiness, shakiness, weakness, headache, fast heartbeat, or feeling jittery.
    • kidney problems (kidney failure). In people who have kidney problems, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting may cause a loss of fluids (dehydration) which may cause kidney problems to get worse. It is important for you to drink fluids to help reduce your chance of dehydration.
    • serious allergic reactions. Stop using Wegovy® and get medical help right away, if you have any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat; problems breathing or swallowing; severe rash or itching; fainting or feeling dizzy; or very rapid heartbeat.
    • change in vision in patients with type 2 diabetes. Tell your healthcare provider if you have changes in vision during treatment with Wegovy®.
    • increased heart rate. Wegovy® can increase your heart rate while you are at rest. Tell your healthcare provider if you feel your heart racing or pounding in your chest and it lasts for several minutes.
    • depression or thoughts of suicide. You should pay attention to any mental changes, especially sudden changes in your mood, behaviors, thoughts, or feelings. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any mental changes that are new, worse or worry you.

     The most common side effects of Wegovy® may include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, stomach (abdomen) pain, headache, tiredness (fatigue), upset stomach, dizziness, feeling bloated, belching, gas, stomach flu and heartburn.

    How soon after ChiroThin can my patient get blood work performed? a patient should never have blood work done any earlier than 8 weeks post ChiroThin.  Fast weight loss stresses the body and this causes the blood work to come back a little "wonky" sometimes although this is not the case long term.